Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve

Stuck at home with runny nose and palpitations. 

I had my big date with Eric on Thursday, and bottomed for the first time in nearly 12 years.  All in all, was a satisfactory experience...cept that the lid wasn't shut on the silicone lube bottle and it leaked all over the table. It got on my laptop, glasses, phone, xbox controller etc.

They didn't lie whey they said it wouldn't wash off.

Randy keeps sending me old photos of when we used to go clubbing.  I think he's realizing what he sold out for to play married daddy again. Good luck with that.

Also, John came by to bring dog food per our agreement, but he was really looking for the Christmas money his dad sent him in a card.  Too bad it hasn't arrived.  He complained about bill collectors on his ass and I think he was hinting at wanting money.  Again, good luck with that.

So, found out I'm still HIV negative today.  I was mostly confident in the results but there's always that little what if when waiting for results. 

It's not 11:10pm and I'm out of ideas of things to do or watch. 

I think I've reached the end of the internet.

Monday, December 17, 2018

life in flux

Job is both easier and more complicated than I thought it would be.  It's easier in the sense that it's only simple tech help such as password resets and web page navigation.  Anything else is transferred to another department.

And that's the difficult part.  There are so many systems and policies that even I feel overwhelmed.  I can't imagine how some of the others are coping; the who are not familiar with computers. 

First we have to boot up our system with a portable OS on a USB drive.  Then we connect to the server (Lan only), log in to the time card, start our updates and security check.

Second we go into another vm desktop, where we get further updates.  Then log into Zoom for room training, arrange the windows, start one of three learning databases.

Lastly, we open yet another vm desktop within the previous, start one of four interfaces within two different browers, and open a separate chat program.....oh and outlook.

whew.....lot's of juggling, to do simple password resets and reactivating accounts.

...throw in I'm going to dialysis three times a week and monthly bariatric meetings. 

and most worrisome.  Eric want's me to experiment with doing everything sexually.  I've not been with anyone other than John since 2006, and I haven't topped in this century.  I'm not so sure I can even perform that action, but I'll wait to see what my doctor says.  Viagra here I come.

Eric is so cute, and he's a really good guy.  I've not met many real heroes like that.

Friday, December 07, 2018

Randy Who


Big week.

Started my new job,...well, orientation anyway.  It's a work from home position doing tech help for Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  It's going to be a juggling act with training on top of dialysis and during the holidays to boot.  I just hope I don't get in trouble if the dogs bark.

My plan is to work in the front room with the baby gate in place and have the front window curtains closed.  Hopefully this will prevent the barking on randoms walking down my street.

In other news....

I finally had sex with Eric....Twice.  Right now it's a FWB and not sure, but I think it'll stay that way.  I don't have any feelings for him persay, but I wouldn't be opposed if he expressed a desire to go further.  He surprised the hell out of me by wanting to see picks of my junk and said he wanted to reciprocate.  I was a little nervous about that so I just got him off twice.

He was very appreciative. :P

Randy Who?