Monday, July 22, 2019

hope not

AC not working, fridge not working, electricity in back bedroom not work.  Feel like giving up.  Scheduled repair for fridge in August but now might have to spend it on central air.

After three weeks of silence, Randy sends a face pic ...after I sent a vulgar text hoping he'd get the point.  On the phone now listening to John bitch about his girlfriend / same shit. 

At least I'm playing D&D.

It's been really hot the past week.  Was looking forward to a big cold front today with severe storms - it lasted about 20 minutes with barely any thunder.  Cooled down outside to 73, but house taking longer. Per John, the AC wasn't clogged with fur but something is definitely wrong.

Best part of the day; feeding my dogs table food and their look of adoration/gratitude.

I fear I've stretched my stomach more than I should. Jeeze I hope not.


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