Sunday, January 25, 2015


had dream about charles last night.  dreamed he moved in across state street....we were younger in body, but current in life.  We had a 'date' to eat at steak and shake, then a movie...we never made it.  He told me he didn't want to be friends anymore.

I've spent most of this grey sunday feeling down because of it.  I hate when I have these dreams.  I've lost so many friends from both my actions and uncontrollable events.  Right now i'm missing charles more than the others.

These are the people I miss the most:

Charles, the first abandonment
James, Diverging Minds
Tim, Differing futures
Raymond, Familiarity Bred Contempt
Ralphael, Liar, Mentor, Matching Bookend
Randy, Unrequited Love