Monday, October 24, 2011

dark blister

What the hell have I done?

Two weeks ago, when Chris told me he was going to move out, I panicked and called Ralph.  I broke down and asked him for his help.  Later that night, he disappeared and was no where to be found.  Oh well I thought, best he stay that way.

Then one day after class, he shows up at my house...just walks in because Chris leaves the door open.   Long story short, he's now living with me.  OMG, he's practically taken over by reaaranging everything. He says he's clean, but no one stays up almost 48 hours, doesn't eat for the first half of that and isn't on something.   To make things worse, he's been selling his prescription drugs to pay me money for rent.

Aside from the bullshit, I'm finding I can't stand him anymore, he' shallow and uninteresting.

So what's us gonna do?  For now, all i can do is sit and soak up money to get some things accomplished/fixed.   oh...and there's a dark blister spot on my big toe which has me worried.


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