Monday, July 01, 2019


There are so many things to do but I keep putting them off.  It's gotten really hot which gives me even more reason to not do anything.  It took me three days to go get a script waiting for me.

I've not texted Eric since last Tuesday.  I really don't see the point.  It's just me saying something witty, then probing to see when we can hook up again then one of his excuses.  Setting in that I allowed myself to be used in desperation to feel ... anything.

John got an ultimatum to get a full time time in two weeks or move out.  First he was typically john about it, now he's caving.  Another one I should just fade.

Speaking of which, I actually told Randy I still loved him. It was more of an expletive during a text, but in retrospect, I think we both knew what I meant. Why can't I forget him?

My game is set to start on the 13th and the closer it gets, the more anxious I feel.  My house needs major cleaning and all I want to do is lay here...cocooned. 


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