Sunday, April 28, 2019

Day - 3

Day minus 3

I've been hesitant to discuss a large, life changing event forthcoming because I didn't want to jinx it.  On May 1st, I am having the gastric sleeve bariatric surgery at St Francis in greenwood.

It's been a grueling six month approval process.  I've had to detail every meal, monitor fluid intake and deal with the hassles of seasonal weather, disrupted medications and the loss of my anchor John.

Here it is though, final approval was granted yesterday.  I was nervous because the last hurdle was a consult with my cardiologist.  I had no worries my body was fine, just the bureaucracy.  My last cardi spec left the state, as had the two previous and there was no one willing to release me from temporarily pausing my blood thinners.  Think lawsuits more of a concern than my happiness.

Anywho, since March of 2018, I have lost 116 lbs, stabilized my blood pressure and become more self dependent (not all by choice).  John left me high and dry, .... again and there were days I struggled with anger, subpar nutrition and stress.  Depression is a constant battle with some days not even wanting to leave the bed.   Thankful for my furbabies that they require attention and to be let out.  

I'm to check in at 8:30am with surgery being at 10:30am.  Release to be the next day.

The aftermath is a bit scary.  I won't be able to eat anything but clear liquids for two weeks.  There's a whole schedule and everything, not to mention lots of drugs.

Day minus 3, and this is my gift to myself.


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