Tuesday, April 02, 2019


Strange days.  Three weeks since I've spoken to John...and it mostly feels like the right thing to do.  There is so much anger for how things were allowed to happen.  I keep waiting for the whole 'new girlfriend' thing to happen with Eric.

My bariatric tests are all complete. I just have to wait for insurance to approve and a date to be set.  I'm getting a bit nervous about  the whole thing - complications.  The second the dr said the odds are very slim, I just knew I'd fall in that category....as I usually have.

Finished watching Eureka and missing the character Jack Carter.  I want a goofy guy like that.  Eric is close but I'm so afraid of opening myself up to him.  I don't think I could take the pain again. 

Randy messaged me a few weeks ago saying he was dancing to the cure's Pictures of you"  Now the little fucker has me thinking about the past again.  Not too surprising as Eric and I are reduced to sexting due to his exhausting schedule with all the theater jobs.  I miss having a best friend, why do I always have to complicate things with emotion?

I remember first meeting Randy.  He showed up at the house on keystone to pick me up.  Raymond had just called me to say how cute he was and I was hoping to disapprove.  Sure he was a little too clean cut for my taste, but when those deep brown eyes smiled at me, I melted.  Oh if he only knew how beautiful I find his eyes.

Anyway, he's married to a woman I can't stand and doing the whole daddy thing again.  He hurt me too many times by just dropping me when I needed friends more than anything.  I'd lost my job, then my d&d group and finally my foot slash dreams of a normal life.

But you make the best of what you can.   My life is simple now.  Still though,...


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